It was Carol's choice of site for the weekend and it was a lovely location on the banks of the Thames. There were no problems with access to the site as everything is level and no sharp bends to the roads.
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Purbeck Valley Folk Festival near Corfe Castle
This time, the festival was at a new location further on down the valley towards Swanage possibly because of the difficulties of people trying to get off the site. After booking in, we were directed down into a field next to the railway line. There was plenty of straw down covering some mud on the track. We made it ok into the field but Mike decided to head for the high ground in the field - just in case. Later visitors got bogged down in the bottom. It took a while to get all set up as there was a queue for filling up water containers and we had to lug them back to the caravan - back down the track we'd just driven down!
Anyway, we finished so it was off to the festival and on the way, we saw a fabulous dragon kite!
Zoomed in shot of Corfe Castle. Mike always thought that it was a folly and didn't find out until quite recently.
Sunset and yes, we're off to bed,
we're cream-crackered.
First train of the day. Well, the first one that we saw!
Time for a spot of lunch before heading off back down again
I'm entering the beard-off competition this year with a beard that Amy, our daughter made for her husband Dave.
We thought this band was good but learnt that this was their last performance. What a shame!
Mike's first pint of the day but also displaying a loom band - his effort for becoming a hippy.
This bloke was a laugh and really talented.
I bought a henna kit and had to try it out .....
and on on Mike as well :) My version of Zebedee from the Magic Roundabout.
Boing! said Zebedee
Then it started raining and almost everyone headed to the beer tent but it was only a light shower so we stayed put.
Mike did wear his hat though - the bag for the chair!
Mike doesn't do drinking standing up.
It's not the wrong weather, just the wrong clothes
Then the weather got steadily worse
but Sunday was better
and Mike needed protection from the sun this time!
Beard off judging time
I'm down there, somewhere for the judging but got beaten
by a young whippersnapper with a better beard :)
Time for tea & biscuits
Then the weather got worse ....
and worse
So we went to one of the barn stages then to bed.
On the next morning, we managed to get the caravan out of the field ok but got
Luckily the young farmers were giving tow outs at a fiver a time. Money well spent, I think.
Looking back, we think that we had the best of Purbeck Folk at the last location. The stages were too close together and music heard from adjacent stages and our site for the caravan was far from ideal.
The Mill House CL, Mosterton
'Are we there yet?' was voiced a couple of times but I think that they were only trying to wind Mike up.
We decided last month to bring the grandkids here so whilst Mike was setting the caravan up, I started playing with Josh & Sophia. We'd brought Josh's bike as being on very slightly gentle slope, it was an ideal place for Josh to learn. The grass was wet in places but he was just happy running around burning off his excess energy.
This was Josh's 4th time away in the caravan but Sophia's first. We didn't know how they'd settle down in the evening but it was all fine.
We went up to the pub for a quick meal and they were extremely well-behaved.
A quick shower and into bed for a story or 2 or 3 then it was my go. It's Josh's first go at sleeping in a bunk bed but he was ok with it.
Sophia was really happy with her bed and it took her a while to settle down. Her curtain could be seen twitching quite often and little eyes peering out!
Saturday's weather was damp & overcast and we tried driving around to escape it without much success. We gave the village events a miss as it was still chucking it down and didn't want to be trying to dry clothes in the caravan. So it was up to the supermarket, grab a few pizzas and veg out in front of Bagpuss on the laptop! Our favourite episode was the Ballet Shoe. It was hilarious!! It's too good for kids. :)
Sunday was a total surprise, the weather was lovely. The owner, Nigel suggested leaving the caravan where it was, enjoy the day with the kids and come back later in the day to pick up the caravan! It was a lovely gesture from him so we took his offer and went to Bridport. Crab fishing, eating ice-creams and a paddle in the sea were all done.
Sophia couldn't keep her eyes open on the way home!!!
We decided last month to bring the grandkids here so whilst Mike was setting the caravan up, I started playing with Josh & Sophia. We'd brought Josh's bike as being on very slightly gentle slope, it was an ideal place for Josh to learn. The grass was wet in places but he was just happy running around burning off his excess energy.
This was Josh's 4th time away in the caravan but Sophia's first. We didn't know how they'd settle down in the evening but it was all fine.
We went up to the pub for a quick meal and they were extremely well-behaved.
A quick shower and into bed for a story or 2 or 3 then it was my go. It's Josh's first go at sleeping in a bunk bed but he was ok with it.
Sophia was really happy with her bed and it took her a while to settle down. Her curtain could be seen twitching quite often and little eyes peering out!
Saturday's weather was damp & overcast and we tried driving around to escape it without much success. We gave the village events a miss as it was still chucking it down and didn't want to be trying to dry clothes in the caravan. So it was up to the supermarket, grab a few pizzas and veg out in front of Bagpuss on the laptop! Our favourite episode was the Ballet Shoe. It was hilarious!! It's too good for kids. :)
Sunday was a total surprise, the weather was lovely. The owner, Nigel suggested leaving the caravan where it was, enjoy the day with the kids and come back later in the day to pick up the caravan! It was a lovely gesture from him so we took his offer and went to Bridport. Crab fishing, eating ice-creams and a paddle in the sea were all done.
Sophia couldn't keep her eyes open on the way home!!!