Ashling Lodge CL, Chichester


Friday 5th August

    Travelled with grandchildren Josh and Sophia on Friday after I'd finished work. They were so excited!  They stayed with us the previous night and had to wait almost all day while I worked but they were so good.

    The journey down was uneventful and only one short hold up through Salisbury.  We got to the CL in one and a half hours so not an arduous trip.

    There was only one pitch available when  we arrived which was OK but was right next to the gate however we pitched sideways so that we could put our awning up.  The ground was so hard and dry, it was very difficult getting the pegs in even with a drill!

    Awning up then a trip to the shop to get dinner and breakfast.  As it was quite late and the children were hungry, we got some microwave dinners which weren't that brilliant really.

    Bed time and it was Sophia's turn to go in the top bunk as Josh is now too big.  She loved it and coped well with it.


    We had a treasure trail for Chichester so did that.  A quarter of the way through took us into the park so the kids had a break from it all and played.

It looks like Josh's arresting me!

    One of the clues led us to a blue plaque beside a giant blue door.  Sophia couldn't even reach the door knocker!  Then just as we were about to take a photo, the door opened!  We did apologise for sitting on the steps but the man was OK about it.  

    Chichester has some 'Banksy' style art work in places so when we found a large installation we had to take some pictures.  

    It was a boiling hot day and the treasure trail clues were rather tricky so after 3 hours we still hadn't finished it.  We decided to call it a day and return another day to complete it.

    We then went swimming at Bracklesham Bay beach.  A stony beach but then they all are around here.  Luckily, we had our wet shoes so wore them in the sea.  I, surprisingly, was the first to get fully immersed with the kids not wanting to saying it was too cold, however they eventually did.  The waves were rather fierce so Sophia kept being toppled over and seemed to get quite a bit in her mouth.  She was surprised at the saltiness of the sea.  We had quite a bit of fun in the waves until I had to get out as my hip was starting to hurt.  

    Boy was it cold in the wind!  We moved our stuff onto the hard standing where a bench was and the kids got dried and changed.  Then it was my turn.  Just as I had discretely taken the top of my swim suit down, a couple plonked their chairs very close to us but facing directly in our direction.  I felt like I would be keeping them entertained with my strange movements under my towel while trying to keep my dignity.  I decided to move up to the car and I would get changed there.  Job done.

    A short shopping trip then back to the caravan for a well earned rest and BBQ dinner.   Brilliant day but very tiring.


    We decided to have a quieter day today so moved our table and chairs to the shade of the old oak tree in the field and read & coloured in.  We also had some lunch out there and the lambs in the nearby field came to watch us eating it.  They were very inquisitive, straining their heads to see what we were doing.  It was funny to see

    We then went on a little car trip to Chichester Caravans where we bought a drying rail that hangs from a window.  We also looked around a few caravans.  The kids were amazed by one with a middle bathroom then discovered the end bedroom!

    We then went onto Bosham Quay.  A quaint little village that is tidal.  By that, I mean that at some high tides the water goes up the road so many of the cottages have a means to keep the water from entering their front doors.

    Whilst there we got ice creams.  They melted very quickly as it was so warm but Sophia took so long in eating hers that it was dripping down her arms and even down her legs!  She ended up having to paddle at the slip way and have a bit of a clean up.  

    The children had a quick paddle on the slipway then we took a slow walk back this time passing by the church.   It looked so inviting that we went in to see it.  It was relatively bright and white.  There were some stained glass windows and a small window in one wall leading to the belfry that was off set which annoyed Josh.  There was also a plaque stating King Canute's daughter was buried there too.

    More relaxing back at the site, this time in the shade made by the caravan.  After cooling off, we went for a walk through the wood.  It was lovely in the dappled shade.  There were a few horse jumps dotted around and we have seen a few horses and riders going through.   We also saw a herd of deer.  It was lovely!  They all followed each other and we watched every one of them.  Magical.

    More relaxing then dinner and showers.


   Up relatively early as we had a booking for Portsmouth Dockyard.  Exciting day.  Sophia and I had our bags searched when we went in.   We made a beeline for HMS Victory and on the way saw a sign for a harbour trip so made a note of the time and went on to find the Victory.  What we saw was plenty of scaffolding which was unexpected.  We donned hard hats and ventured up and around the scaffolding (it had been made visitor friendly).  It took us around the outside of the ship but we wanted to get inside.  We asked the man at the entrance who said that we need to go around the other side of the ship so off we went.

    HMS Victory is wonderful.  There were 6 decks all of which we could explore.  We saw the place where Admiral Nelson was injured and below decks where he died in the sickbay.  All the decks were dimly lit to give the impression of what it was really like back in the day.  In one section there were little alcoves.  Of course, Mike played a trick on everyone and hid in one and jumped out at us.  We all jumped but I think Josh jumped the highest.  There was plenty to see and people around to answer questions and of course the inevitable gift shop.  The kids really enjoyed seeing the Victory.

     Next, onto a café in the Mary Rose exhibition and after refreshments, we went to see the exhibition.  It had changed dramatically since I last saw it with purpose built exhibits on various levels to mirror the decks.  Mike's dad had been one of the British Sub-Aqua Club volunteers to help on excavating it.

    At the entrance of the Mary Rose exhibition was someone dressed in full King Henry 8th regalia.  He must have been so hot.  Josh remarked on his cod piece as it was rather large and obvious.  The top deck was actually open for us to see although still within the building.  To get there, we had to get onto the landing where it was and  through an airlock.   Some people were unaware of how the airlock  worked and kept going in and out of the entrance door so the interlocks wouldn't work to open the inner door.  Eventually after many gesticulating from the member of staff on the other side, the doors closed and the inner ones opened.

     Afterwards, we went on a trip around the harbour which was cooling but very open.  We ensured that we had sun cream applied.  At one time Sophia's hat blew off but luckily it blew onto the deck so she was able to retrieve it.  There were some Navy ships there and it was amazing to see how big they were up close.

HMS Prince of Wales and we had a few waves back 😀

     We were so tired after our exertions.  It was surprising how much walking we did just looking around 2 ships.  We will have to come back again.  Lucky that we bought an annual family ticket.

    In the evening we played a game the Sophia made up of each of us adding just 2 words to a story.  Sophia wrote it down whilst we all took turns.  We came up with a very strange story which had us in fits of laughter.



    Josh's turn to make breakfast.  He cooked bacon, sausages and black pudding on the BBQ while I did eggs on the cooker.  We ate well that breakfast!

    Quiet day after yesterday.  We put the table and chairs in the shade of the oak tree in the field.  It was so lovely under there and it caught the breeze.  The lady from one of the caravans came over and spoke with us for a while then just before she left turned to Josh and thanked him for asking before he petted their dog.  She was very impressed that he did that. 

    Later in the afternoon, we took a trip up to Portsdown Hill for the views of the harbour and they didn't disappoint!   You could see so far and also pick out everything that we saw on the harbour trip yesterday.

That's the Isle of Wight in the distance

    After that we went back to Chichester and for a surprise for the kids.  We had booked for the Planetarium.  Josh was really excited about it.  We sat in a 360 cinema on slightly reclining seats and we learnt about the James Webb Space Telescope,  how it was made,  how it was launched and how it unfolded its various panels.  Some of the statistics were astounding such as the temperature difference between the outer layer of the protection and the inner layer was over 300 degrees Fahrenheit, all to allow the various lenses and cameras to function correctly.  It was very informative and we saw some of the latest images beamed back from it.

    Fish and Chip supper after that although neither child had fish but it was OK nevertheless.  A few games in the field afterwards and a few table games then bed.  Another good day!


   Sophia's turn to make breakfast - soft boiled dippy eggs and toast soldiers.  Lovely!

   After breakfast, we headed over to Old Portsmouth and Spice Island today.  Mike and I really wanted to go to the Still and West Pub.  It is where we first spoke about getting married all those years ago.  The excitement I felt!  It bought back a few of those memories but we didn't go in.  It is now a gastro pub and the food price's are extortionate!  We ended up going over the road to the Spice Island Inn and having a drink and 2 toasties with 2 portions of chips there.  Even that was over £30!

    We then took the car to Eastney Beach at the very east end of Southsea beach.  The water was colder than the other day but we soon got in.  I encouraged Sophia to go a little deeper and before she knew it, she was floating albeit with a float jacket but she had never taken her feet off the bottom before.  She was so pleased!  Josh also had his first swim in the sea too!

    Ice creams and drinks next in The White Swan pub on the roundabout at Bosham.  We have been there a few times.  It is very friendly and clean looking.  Then back to the caravan for a leisurely relax, BBQ and showers before falling into bed.  The only fly in the ointment was that Josh stepped onto a wasp and got stung.


    Back to the Dockyard today and another scorcher of a day.

We went around HMS Warrior first thing.

Sophia found a rope pulley that had a centre like a bear had clawed it out!

Mike trying to hide

    It was good actually getting on  a ship to look around.  There were staff on board who were dressed in the uniform of the day.  One girl, Midshipman Murray, explained a variety of cutlasses, revolvers and rifles.   She was very knowledgeable and explained it all in an amusing and understandable way.

Down the Engine Room - Full Astern!

The boilers where the stokers would do their stoking. 

    Again, Mike jumped out on Sophia. He just can't help himself!


    We took the water taxi over to Gosport and past the old HMS Dolphin Submarine School and onto the Submarine museum and HMS Alliance.  

"How did Pops fit in the submarine?" 😉

"Destroyer bearing that! Range, 3000 yards"

    It was very similar to the one Mike was on when he was in the Navy.  (his old submarine is a museum piece in Chatham Historic Dockyard)  It was amazing how small and confined it was.  Both children commented on this.  Being such a hot day, it was a little hot and airless.  After looking around the museum, we took the water taxi back to the Dockyard and back to the site.  On the way, we stopped at the pub for a lovely cool drink and to book a table for tomorrow evening.

     Back at the caravan, we broke out the water gun. The kids really enjoyed that and cooled down.

"Kitchen Roll!!!"

     After dinner of fajitas, we played Exploding Kittens and one if the other caravaners came over to talk a while.  He had never heard of the game, hardly surprising really although he is a grandparent too.  This site has been really friendly.  The owner comes to talk but not all the time which is just right.  He also provides a folder with various leaflets showing things going on around the area.


    Another fried breakfast which Mike and Josh cooked, eaten in the shade of the big Oak tree with the breeze cooling us down.  We saw the Spitfire fly over yet again.  We've seen it nearly every day.

    Josh and Sophia wandered over to see the sheep and I went over to them too.  Something stung me.  I didn't see what it was but it stung me twice and large raised bumps came up almost instantly.  The stinging went on for quite some time.  I told the children not to go near the long grass anymore just in case.

We walked on the road in front of these houses the other day with our ice-creams

    We went into Bosham and looked around the Craft Shop there for a while. It was fairly cool inside - lovely!  Then we walked down towards the sea and saw the tide was in and covering the road!  We had a little paddle.  It was weird paddling along the road.  Then time for ice creams, mmmm.

Paddling on the road - you can just see the white lines

     Back to the caravan and a wander around the woods again.  We were lucky enough to see the deer again.

    A little more reading in the shade (and a little snooze) then get ready for going out.

    We had booked a table at the White Swan Inn for a meal. It was lovely getting out for a meal and meant Mike, or anyone else didn't have to cook in this heat.

    We sat out under the stars when we got back and Josh saw his first shooting star. In fact, he saw four.  He was well chuffed.


     Out last breakfast in the shade of the big oak tree then a very hot and sweltering pack up of all our things.  All this week, the daytime temperature was in the mid 30's but we paced ourselves - well tried.

    We had had a brilliant time and both children agreed.  It's always so nice taking them away.


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